Currency Buy Sell
  CNY 93.41 92.25
  CNH 93.50 92.59
  USD 779.20 782.05
  GBP 998.65 1,010.85
  JPY 505.50 509.90
  AUD 507.40 515.25
  NZD 456.00 463.60
  CAD 561.35 567.25
  EUR 842.70 852.35
  CHF 878.60 888.35
  NOK 69.80 71.85
  SGD 578.25 584.55
  THB 21.30 22.15
  Information last updated at HK Time: 2024/07/27 12:48:16
  * The above exchange rates are expressed in 100 units of the foreign currency against HKD (except for Japanese Yen, which is in 10,000 units, and CNY(included CNH), which is in 100 units of HKD against CNY).
* All quotes are for reference only. Please refer to "Information last update at HK Time" for the time of last update.